Salesforce Spring '23 Updates - Updates to Reports and Dashboards

Salesforce always makes sure that our Reporting Users have some new goodies in each release and Spring ’23 is no exceptions. Let’s take a look at what’s in store in the world of Salesforce analytics.

Personalised Report Filters:

We will start with a small change with a big impact.  Imagine you have a pipeline report and you want it to display for each user with their own personal pipeline.  This can now be achieved by implementing a single dynamic report filter that will display personalised results for every user

Report & Dashboard subscriptions:

A couple of little presents for us in here.  First up is an increase for how many subscriptions a user in an Unlimited Edition org can have – you can now subscribe to 15 Reports and 15 Dashboards, previously it was 7 for each.

And here’s one for the admins, you can now create a custom report type on Analytics Notifications allowing you to view the source, owner, running user and schedule of subscriptions across the organisation.

Add Reports & Dashboards to Collections:

We love this little update – you can now create collections to organise the reports and dashboards that you care about, even if they exist in multiple folders. Add Lightning reports and dashboards, such as those related to a project or commonly used, for immediate access in Unified Home. Pin important collections to your home page, hide irrelevant collections, and share collections with others.

Enhance Lightning Dashboards with Text and Graphics:

And here’s one to keep an eye on for the future as it is in beta at the moment – explain charts, describe metrics and KPIs, and clarify tables with rich text right in context. Add company logos and branding, flow diagrams, and embedded images. Guide users through their data with section titles, narrative text, and even animated GIFs.  We wait in anticipation for this one to become generally available!

If you need help with Salesforce analytics, just get in touch!

In the meantime, take a look at our overview blog on the new updates and features that will be introduced in the Salesforce Spring 2023 release. 


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