When you are preparing for your Salesforce certification exam, every little helps. The Trailhead team have just released their latest schedule of live certification prep sessions for August. If you want to get ahead and hear from the experts, then sign up.
The sessions are virtual and are open to anyone interested in tips, tricks and best practices for acing your Salesforce certification exam. BONUS: All session attendees will receive a coupon code for a $40 USD discount off of any $200 certification exam. What’s not to love?
In August, the focus is on the Marketing Cloud Email Specialist, Sales Cloud Consultant and Administrator certifications. However, it is worth taking a look at the live schedule for other sessions of interest. Register using the links below to make sure you don’t miss out.
Marketing Cloud Email Specialist - August 9th
Sales Cloud Consultant - August 16th
Administrator - August 23rd
Administrator - August 25th
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