Becoming an Expert in Einstein Analytics

We’re often asked by our customers how to learn more about a certain product. We all know about Trailhead and the volume of fantastic resources available there, as well as Salesforce Help and the Trailblazer Community. However, sometimes navigating your own path can have its challenges where there is so much out there.

This is where Salesforce’s Learning Maps become the key to your success. Einstein Analytics is one of those product areas where you can easily find yourself a little overwhelmed, so this learning map is like Salesforce taking your hand and guiding you on your way.

It really is one stop shop for all things Einstein Analytics. It combines links to Help, Trailhead and official Salesforce Videos for each step along the Learning Path. Simply start at the beginning at “Enable & Integrate”, and once you have completed all of the recommended learning, just click on the next stage in your journey for even more.

That isn’t all though. Below the Learning Map, you are directed to so much more. One of my favourites is the Einstein Analytics Best Practices section. Need help on managing a successful Einstein Analytics project? Easy! Need some direction in how to manage Multi-Currency projects? You got it.

Check it out for yourself, and start your Einstein Analytics learning journey now.


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