Salesforce Spring '23 Updates - Net Zero Cloud

Well, the dust is settling from the new release and you’ve have made your way through the release notes and our blogs of what’s new in Spring ’23 but let’s take a moment to reflect on what was new for Salesforce Net Zero Cloud.

Take Advantage of More Fuel Types in Emissions Calculations

Enhance emissions calculations by including more fuel types, units of measure, and their conversion factors. Add a conversion factor for a fuel type and its source and destination unit of measure. To calculate the emissions, select the fuel type in the energy use record and specify the relevant conversion factors to standard units of measure.

Manage Social and Governance Data

This one is really interesting as it shows the direction Salesforce is moving in with Net Zero Cloud and that (we hope!) it will end up as a rounded tool for all ESG performance data.  You can now enter, store, extract, and report quantitative disclosures in social governance reports with reference to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards.  And by utilising the analytics tools already provided, you can generate reports and dashboards to track progress toward GRI reporting.

Partner Community Users can access Net Zero Cloud to Perform Carbon Accounting

More functionality is introduced to capture your wider emissions.  You can now let partner community users, such as franchisees or investors, access Net Zero Cloud objects using Experience Cloud and the Experience Cloud site that you create. Partner community users can submit their emissions data for carbon accounting and this enables consolidation across partners. Create accounts for partners to access Net Zero objects for carbon accounting and share data using sharing sets and sharing rule categories.

And there are some enhancements around our capabilities in carbon forecasting/budgeting:

Plan for Short-term Emission Reductions by using Monthly Air Travel Emission Predictions

Use the Monthly Air Travel Emissions section of the Predicted Air Travel Emissions dashboard to get predictions about your company’s air travel carbon emissions for the next six months. View an analysis of the emissions in the past six months and the predicted emissions for the next six months, and prepare a short-term plan for reducing the emissions.

So, there we have it! If you are new to Net Zero Cloud, start here with our blog What is Net Zero Cloud? and if you want a demo or just to know more, get in touch!


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