Yep, we get it. You've spent a lot of time, effort and money on getting Salesforce set up just right for your business. You also understand that whilst you can have the best system in the world, if your users don't know how to use it properly, then you aren't making the most of your investment. We can help.
To make that investment worthwhile, you need to drive user adoption and ensure that your users are making the most of Salesforce. For many companies that means that the training should be directly in their sandbox or training environment to ensure that the interface, behaviour and process that they are seeing are the same that they will see in your production implementation.
We take the time to sit with you and to understand your system and the business processes that sit behind it. This enables us to develop training that is specific to your company with a full understanding of what benefits your users will have from using Salesforce in terms of capturing their information, having streamlined processes and superior reporting. This is what we consider to be benefits-led training - not just showing your users the technically correct way to use Salesforce but what benefits it will deliver to them in their role.
We can also integrate the technical Salesforce training within your wider messaging around change management as you introduce Salesforce to your organisation.